The Information They Contain Is Priceless

Life Extension provides research information on Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Alzheimer�s, Anti Aging Products, Antioxidants, Arthritis, Aveloz, Balding, BHT, Cell Therapy, Chelation, Cholesterol, Chromium, Collagen, Colloidal Silver, DNA, Creatine, Cysteine, Depression, Detoxification, DHA, DHEA, Diabetes, Diet Pill, Diet Products, DMAE, DMSO, EDTA, Enlarged Prostate, Enzymes, Fat, Free Radicals, GH-3, Ginko Bilobia, Glaucoma, Hair Loss, Hair Pigment, Nails, Hearing, Helsinki Formula, Health Products, Herbs, Herpes, HGH, Holistic Medicine, Hormones, Hypertrophy, Human Growth Hormone, Human Placenta, Impotence, Immune System, IQ, Konjac Root, Libido, Longevity, Melanin, Melatonin, Memory Loss, Minerals, Minoxidil, Muscle Growth, Muscle Strength, Finger Nails, Nutrition, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson�s, PG�s, PMS, Prostate Cancer, PSA, RNA, Selenium, Sex Drive,  Skin Care, Smoking, Somatotropin, Taheebo, Testosterone, Tinnitus, Toxins, Tumors, Viruses, Vitamins, Weight Loss, and Yohimbine.



When we first told the Scientific Community The Gene Code Would Soon Be Unlocked, The News Was Received, By Most, With Humorous Disbelief. The Very Idea  Was Considered Ludicrous By Those Who Should Have Known Better. They Should Have Known Better Because Of A 100+ year Unblemished Track Record Of Accurately Forecasting Medical Breakthroughs.

Life Extension conducts and reports on research and discoveries from scientists around the world. As Medical Breakthroughs occur, we make them available to our Members.

It was not long ago that information on anti-aging advances, medical breakthroughs and/or alternative treatments, that are now very commonplace,  were considered 'Science Fiction' and when they did occur they were not available to the general public.

 When we first "introduced" DHEA and Melatonin to American, these wonderful advances in the war on aging and disease were unheard of in the United States, and were also illegal. CoQ10, Ginkgo Biloba, Vanadyl Sulfate, Chromium Picolinate,  Alpha Lipoic Acid and Creatine are but a few of the other products we "introduced" to the world.

Today these supplements are taken for granted. Life Extension Scientists are finding new ways to reverse the aging process itself; and cures for cancer, arthritis, AIDS, stroke and a host of other diseases are just around the corner.

Not long ago Syphilis, Polio, Tuberculosis, Smallpox and Impotence were on the list of 'incurable ailments' we were trying to find a cure for. Our readers were the first to learn of the breakthroughs that resulted in cures for all of these.

Do we send this information to anyone, unsolicited? No. We only send it to the medical community and to those who specifically ask to be placed on our mailing list.

Do we do monthly mailings? No. Why? Because medical breakthroughs do not occur on a monthly basis. Continuously mailing literature is but a form of solicitation.

However, when there is a true medical advancement in the war on aging and/or disease, you may rest assured that you will learn of it from Life Extension long before the rest of the world hears of it.

Learn what Life Extension is all about, and how it all started. Read about the latest Anti-Aging and disease fighting Medical Breakthroughs, as fast as they happen from around the world, and take a peek into research that may very well change your life as well as your future. The Reports & Catalogs are free. The information they contain is priceless.

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 Research Into Products  for a Healthier Longer, and Younger Life, Since 1896

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